
Apostille / Superlegalization


Apostille or superlegalization means a confirmation of the signature of the official and the stamp on public document issued in the Slovak Republic for the needs of the authorities abroad. Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic legalizes documents issued by education institutions within its scope (the exceptions are secondary medical schools, police schools, military schools and the documents issued by the Slovak Medical University). Apostille applies to the contracting countries of the Hague Apostille Convention. Superlegalization is a more complex process that applies to other countries.

The application below can be used only for documents issued and signed by public officials in the Slovak Republic (issued under the seal of the Slovak Republic or at schools that form the Slovak school system). If an apostille or superlegalization is required of you for a document issued by a foreign school or under the seal of a different country, please contact the apostille bodies of the country of origin or its diplomatic and consular representation.


Aplication may currently be submitted by post or in the filing room of the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic (Stromová 1, Bratislava) during the office hours of the filing room.

Your application will not be checked upon submission. The applicant is responsible for the delay caused by an incorrect or incomplete submission or not reserving sufficient time prior to leaving the country.

The absolute duration of the process shall in no case be longer than 30 days as stipulated by law. 
If you marked personal pickup, please fill out your phone and email contact that will be used to inform you about the completion of your application. You may then decide on collecting the documents in person or sending it to your Slovak address or an address abroad.

For the application, please prepare:
  • the filled out application form that must contain the country where the apostille or legalization is required and your contact
  • the original issue of your document with hand-written signature of the public official (rector, vice-rector, dean, vice-dean, school director, deputy school director) and the official (round) stamp,
  • administrative fee of 10 EUR per document - no matter the number of pages, as long as they are firmly bound/sealed together (the fee cannot be paid at the Ministry, please check below for the payment options)
Prior to the application, you can consult any related questions by phone during the consultation and office hours, or by email.

The Ministry does not legalize
  • certified or notarized copies or official translations
  • foreign documents (for example, international language certificate, IB diploma, diplomas issued by branches of foreign schools)
  • documents issued by medical, police, or military schools (please contact the responsible Ministry in the Slovak Republic)
  • documents issued by schools that do not bear round stamp or signature of the school official (and bear only the signature of the student services or other administrative employees)
  • documents from courses of life-long learning that do not bear the signature of a public official
  • multiple-page documents that are not tied firmly together and sealed with a stamp

Administrative fee payment options:
1) via Receipt of Payment of Administrative / Judicial Fee (e-Revenue Stamp or e-Kolok), which can be purchased at selected offices of Slovenská pošta, a.s. (Slovak Post) in the required value
2) via e-Revenue Stamp Mobile Application which is available at GooglePlay / APP Store
3) via e-Revenue Stamp Web Application, also called Virtual Kiosk, which is available at

ID code of the service for the mobile and web application

code 2217 - "apostille/superlegalizácia - overenie pravosti slovenských dokladov za každý dokument (správny poplatok v hodnote 10 EUR)"

Delivery of the application with documents:
1) by mail to the address:

Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic
Centre for Recognition of Diplomas
Černyševského 50
851 01  Bratislava

2) in person to the filing room of the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic (address: Stromová 1, 813 01 Bratislava) during its office hours (the application will not be handled while you wait)

Applicable legislation:

  • Oznámenie č. 213/2002 Z. z. o prijatí Dohovoru o zrušení požiadavky vyššieho overenia zahraničných verejných listín
  • Oznámenie č. 501/2007 Z. z. o zmene úplného aktualizovaného zoznamu orgánov zmluvných strán

Useful links:

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