
Recognition of competed education with the purpose of issuing blue cards

A citizen of a third country can have a temporary residence granted in the Slovak Republic on the ground of having an EU Blue Card. Highly qualified third country citizens can enter the labour market of the Slovak Republic more easily and can perform job positions with the need of higher qualifications. The conditions for Blue Card issue are defined in Article 37 and following of the Act no. 404/2011 Coll. on Residence of Foreigners.

Higher professional qualification is qualification attested by evidence of completed higher education.

According to the Article 38 of the Act on Residence of Foreigners, an addition to the application for the Blue Card is also a decision on recognition of the educational document of the third country’s citizen.  There are two ways of obtaining this decision. If the citizen of the third country aims to perform a regulated profession in Slovakia, the procedure as described in the point 2 applies (recognition of completed foreign education on pursuit of regulated profession in the Slovak Republic). If the applicant aims to perform unregulated profession in the Slovak Republic, he or she can obtain the decision via the procedure of academic recognition.  
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