Science and Research
The Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic (MESRS SR) is the central body of state administration for science and technology and ensures the creation and implementation of state science and technology policy, including coordination, legal and financial instruments in science and technology, strategic and conceptual documents of the Government of the Slovak Republic and European structures in the field of science and technology in connection with the scientific and technical policy of the European Union. It also coordinates the activities of the central bodies of state administration of the Slovak Republic, the Slovak Academy of Sciences and universities in the field of science and technology.
The ministry coordinates international scientific and technical cooperation, membership of the Slovak Republic in international reserarch organizations, participation of the Slovak Republic in international research and development programs and Community programs of the European Union, fulfillment of tasks arising from the membership of Slovak Republic in the European Union in science and technology, for participation in the European Research Area in the Slovak Republic, cooperation with bodies of the Council of the European Union, the European Commission and its professional bodies and the Permanent Representation of the Slovak Republic to the European Union.
The ministry creates environment for increasing the participation of research teams in the European Research Area by ensuring the participation of the Slovak Republic in European R&D initiatives, in European and international research centers and research infrastructures, including the involvement of national technology platforms. The ministry ensures the effective interconnection and complementarity of national and European research infrastructures and develops a national research infrastructure building strategy (SK Roadmap) and coordinates the implementation, evaluation and development of research infrastructures and their link to national science and technology policy priorities of the Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation of the Slovak Republic and its action plans.