
Recognition of study periods at foreign primary and secondary schools

This website applies to a student of Slovak primary and secondary school who has completed a period of study (year, semester) abroad or a student who transfers from a foreign primary or secondary school to a Slovak one.

Recognition of partial education at primary or secondary schools is subject to the Act no. 245/2008 Coll. on education and training (School Act) and on amendment of certain acts.
If a student is attending the compulsory education at a school abroad, the recognition of a school year or semester is performed by the director of the student’s home school in Slovakia. Studying abroad is one of the types of specific attendance of school as stated in Article 23 letter b) of the School Act. The student can, based on application submitted by his or her parent or legal guardian, take an exam in front of a school-appointed examination commission. The application must state which school year(s) that should be taken into account. Date, content and coverage of the exams are decided by the director of the school, where the exam is going to take place, at least 15 days prior to the exam. Based on the results of the exam the school issues a certificate to the student.

Student who didn’t apply for the exam will be examined after the completion of his/her specific type school attendance. He or she is going to be placed into respective class or level based on the results of his/her performance at the exam.
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