
Financing of Regional Education

The financing of regional education is established on normative principles, with the goals of :
- introducing a normative system of financing per student,
- changing the centralized system of financing to a two-level decentralized system,
- motivating founders to more effectively use existing capacities and financial sources,
- introducing multi-source financing of regional education,
- supporting equality of all school founders.

Budget chapters of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic finance apply to:
- all schools regardless of their founder,
- school facilities within the foundation scope of the Regional Education Office

    Since January 1, 2005, the school facilities within the foundation scope of municipalities and VÚC are financed via share taxes in terms of the Act No. 564/2004 Coll. and regulation of the government No. 668/2004 Coll. and since January 1, 2007, the school facilities within the foundation scope of clerical and private founders financed via share taxes in terms of the Act No. 596/2003 Coll. As amended.

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